
Quantum torpedo vs photon torpedo
Quantum torpedo vs photon torpedo

quantum torpedo vs photon torpedo

Usually, a warrior who carries both a mek’leth and an iw'taj is from a Qvav’mar background.and/or is a personal combatant of high caliber.This throwing-dagger is more often used defensively, to ward off blade attacks. miles Photon torpedo … The crater at Chicxulub was caused by a ( "'During the upgrade testing of the Mark-IX warhead, it was determined that the theoretical maximum explosive yield of 25 isotons had finally been reached for a matter-antimatter reaction. This would give a megaton yield of 257 torpedoes that came into use in 2371 and which were utilised That's impossible. This is what causes the majority of wide ranging damage. To calculate the energy we could compare with an incident meteor impact, from these we can deduce the size of crater and using simple kinetic energy equations, calculate the energy required to excavate a crater of said size.Using the mks unit system for SI measurements:The current convention is to measure yields in multiples of the explosive yield of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene CHWhere c is the velocity of light and m is the mass of the particle when at rest.This has been upgraded recently to increase yield by 5%.

quantum torpedo vs photon torpedo

This would mean that 1 isoton is approximately 5.14 megatons to 2D.P.1 megatonne = 2,977,789,639,020,840 joules.First let us consider the dimensions of the impactor at Chicxulub.What we will do is calculate for a detonation of 100% efficiency for simplicity. In this episode a fleet of twenty Romulan and Cardassian vessels have been constructed by the intelligence agencies of those powers. According to Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual, photon torpedoes use 1.5 kg of matter and 1.5 kg of Tetryon cannons are unique in that they are designed primarily to damage energy and force fields such as starship shields. "Theoretical maximum yield from a 2,000 kg matter/antimatter charge.

quantum torpedo vs photon torpedo

megatons but by using the zero point motion the yield increases to an equivalent of at least fifty isotons. The amount of matter is therefore 3kg For proton torpedo, see Plasma cannons are a form of directed energy weaponry used by both Earth Starfleet and the early Romulan Star Empire. Q firearms were used in the Q Civil War by the "Photon torpedo" redirects here.

Quantum torpedo vs photon torpedo